Winnebago County Health Department
Evaluation of the Overdose Fatality Review Team
Andrea is evaluating the work of the Winnebago County Overdose Fatality Review Team. She is using multiple methods to understand how agencies have been affected by their participation on the Team, how team members have been affected by their participation, and the effects the Team has had on the community and systems. In addition, Amy is assisting Andrea with conducting Ripple Effect Mapping sessions to understand the broad-ranging effects the Team has had on the community. Andrea will also examine morbidity and mortality outcomes over time to help the Team understand how drug use is changing in the County.
La Crosse County Health Department
Evaluation and Analytic support for the CDC “strengthening Environmental Health Capacity to Detect, Prevent, and Control Environmental Health Hazards” Grant
Andrea is providing evaluation and analytic support for La Crosse’s CDC grant, which focuses on improving the quality of drinking water from private wells. She is developing the evaluation plans, analyzing private well water testing data, utilizing existing datasets about risks for well water contamination to deploy a public-facing, interactive GIS map, and developing a risk model that can help identify and prioritize geographic areas at higher risk for well water contamination.
EvaLuation Support for the CDC Opioid Data-to-ActioN-S Grant
Andrea is providing evaluation services for a project that implements a non-traumatic dental pain management protocol within emergency department settings and links patients to actual dental care. She is working with three sites to collect data regarding implementation of the protocol and referral processes as well as hospital visits to determine if the protocol is being implemented according to best practice and if providers are prescribing fewer opioids within the ED.
La Crosse County Health Department
Epidemiological support for the Community Data Team
Andrea provides epidemiological data analysis for the Community Data Team. This can include analyzing electronic health record data, analyzing survey data, and compiling and summarizing data from existing databases and repositories.